Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mentally Drained

Today marked the end of Day 1 of TED 2010. It's such an exciting time right now, and I hope the buzz continues for the Los Angeles TED attendees when they return. But I can't deny the heartache I felt as I found myself tearing up the other night when I saw all these amazing TED fellows who looked as young as 25, and wondered why I wasn't even near that point of success yet.

Lately it's been so difficult to get my head wrapped around my ideas and goals, and how to contribute them to society. (Yes, to society; Because I won't settle for anything less.) I've said this to myself and to a few of my mentors, but I feel as though I've been placed on this Earth to do really really big things. Positive things. Inspiring things.

And what's been so frustrating lately is not being able communicate my ideas to other people. Sure I try to, but it doesn't come out the way I hoped it would. I'm having a really difficult time figuring what that idea really is and how it will be realistically implemented.

It's been a mentally draining time for me as I try to reassess my hopes and dreams at 22.


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