Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Clients from Hell

What a simple and awesome website concept. Quoting difficult clients mainly from anonymous designers. I'm sure they have it the worst. Poor designers, having to deal with dumb people on a daily basis.

Some of my fav's:

>> Client: "Needs more WA-WA-WOOM."

>> Client: "What I want you to do with this issue is go outside of the box but stay in the box at the same time."

>> Client: "Hate it. Try again."

>> Client: "The logo looks great, but can we change the address font to Arabic? I need it for my Middle Eastern viewers."

Me: "Actually, Arabic is a name of that font you sent me, it doesn’t actually change the words into another language. I can purchase a actual Arabic font, and figure out how to turn it into Arabic…."

Client: "So New Times Roman doesn’t change the words into Italian?"

Me: "No, Times New Roman is just a standard…"

Client: "Are you sure? Let me call you back after I check Word 2009. I have the newest version, so maybe it only does it in the newer version. I’ll give you a call back later today. Thanks."

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