Thursday, September 11, 2008

I start here.

I would have never remembered it was 9/11 if it weren't for that stupid pinkisthenewblog site. Seems like cnn hasn't really covered it extensively either. I guess we're preoccupied with other things like THE PRESIDENT. There was a list of all the victims who died that day, and my first instinct was to scroll down the list for all the "kim's" and "lee's" It made the event more personal for me even though i knew none of the people on that list. But my prayers to everyone. They're in a good place filled with what im sure has lots of sriracha sauce and boba.

Oh yeah! I'm in france, huh? i forget that paris is my backyard sometimes. someone once told me to live life worth reading in your biography. so when i spend all my time googling images of places in paris, instead of actually walking my ass over there, i embarrass myself.

Im about to embark on a photo scavenger hunt given to me by jenny. You'll be seeing those posted here every week or so.

Today i had a ham and cheese quiche for lunch with salad.
Of course, in true poor student fashion, the quiche was a frozen dinner, the salad mix was half wilted, and the dressing was pepper, olive oil and lemon juice.
I'm getting better though and learning not to depend on those damn steak frites all the time. Damn you steak frites! You will be the end of me!!!!!!

Until next time...
(with pictures..)


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