Friday, October 2, 2009

"Delicious": An Option???

Meet my rice cooker. A staple of every Asian household. It's fairly high tech with all of its options, mixed rice, brown rice, white rice. But before I hit the 'start' button, I'm always torn between the options it provides. Normal, delicious, and quick. Why does there need to be a "delicious" option? Shouldn't rice always be delicious?! I mean really. It would be cruel to have someone have to choose between "normal" rice and "delicious" rice. Normal rice SHOULD BE delicious rice.

You know what's even more sad? I ALWAYS choose "normal" rice over "delicious" rice. Maybe its because I'm always making rice when I'm super hungry and assume that the delicious option means slower cooking. Why don't I choose "quick" then you ask? Because quick, really lives up to its name. It's damn quick, and super watery, like porridge. One day, when I'm feeling a little adventurous I'll choose the delicious option...but for now, I'll stick with my normal rice.

1 comment: said...

LOL. oh man. i laughed so hard when you told me this..but you couldn't tell cuz of the blasting MUSIC!! had fun last night! xo